Minimum training required
Reduced bandwidth requirement
Scalable Architecture
Visual Analytics to make video surveillance or usage smarter to cater to Face recognition based time and attendance systems, incident detection like accidents, fall etc, last mile customization like detection of red tag person entering a green zone etc. We specialize in last mile customization to meet your requirement.
Business Automation
Advanced Analytics
Chatbot Integration
Complex algorithms working together utilizing the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing can create effective solutions to difficult problems with ease. We offer simple integration solutions to utilize the power of predictive digitization.
Code validation to identify weaknesses
DDoS testing and protection
Stress and Load testing
Web Apps and Mobile Apps are now the digital identity of every organization along with means of engagement. Our team consists of the leading Ethical hackers in the world who have registered their presence by finding security flaws in organizations like Adobe, Intel, Flipkart, Harvard University, Department of US. The list is long.